Invitatie la Conferintele CODECS - Originea si principiile dezvoltarii formei, Timisoara, 5 aprilie 2012

05 Aprilie 2012

CODECS and Dr. Gabriel Kelemen are delighted to invite you on Thursday, April 5, 2012, at the conference "THE ORIGINS AND PRINCIPLES OF SHAPE DEVELOPMENT", a fascinating presentation designed to elucidate the semantic structures derived from the chronology of natural shape. The event is part of a series of CODECS conferences addressed to the academic and cultural communities in Romania.

Gabriel Kelemen is a sculptor and has a PhD in visual arts at the West University of Timisoara. His experimental interests for the area of stationary waves resulted in several world premieres in kinematics.
„The tripartite communion of sphere, spiral and language involves a conceptual leap in clarifying the relationships of shape hierarchies, from the sphere to spiral and to symbol”, said Dr. Kelemen.

Participants will have the opportunity to watch the video Genesis, offering a complex perspective on the study of stationary waves. After the conference „ THE ORIGINS AND PRINCIPLES OF SHAPE DEVELOPMENT”, Dr. Gabriel Kelemen will launch his book "VIBRATIE-FORMA-SIMBOL" (VIBRATION-SHAPE-SYMBOL), published by Editura AURA, Timisoara.

Join us on Thursday, April 5, 2012, from 11:00 a.m. at Casa Palace, no.8 Splaiul Nicolae Titulescu, Timisoara.

Confirmation by email at or or by phone at 021 252 51 82 / 83 / 84, or 0722 534 634.

See you there!

The CODECS team