Training Corporate
With an experience of over 10 years in developing dedicated training, CODECS has the capability of elaborating, starting from the specific client requests, training programs that will address all the clients’ needs. These trainings allow the clients’ personnel to successfully address problems from the current competitive environment.
With a 3-10 days duration, elaborated according to the client’s specific activity field, the corporate programs contain the initial diagnosis, the personalized training program (according to the obtained results), actual training (having a very pronounced interactive character and covering both theoretical and practical aspects through exercises, case studies, role-plays), the program evaluation and the follow-up.
The Corporate training programs we provide are a differentiating market element, CODECS being the only adult education provider capable of offering such a product, integrated in the clients’ organizational context.
Our programs are characterized by:
• Course duration period: we can supply the program either during a working week or during week-ends, according to the clients’ propositions. We are flexible in order to adapt the training agenda according to the schedule proposed by the client.
• Location: the training program can be held in any client proposed location, as long as all the optimum training conditions can be assured (a room adequate for the number of trainees, projection screen, video projector, flipchart). In the situation in which these logistical elements are unavailable, CODECS can supply them.
• The personnel involved in the program process is highly experienced, having both management and project management knowledge and a wide experience in training adults.
• The idea content of each course is based on the experience acquired by cooperating with other organizational clients; the content is constantly improved and optimized.
• The British know-how that constitutes the main knowledge resource for CODECS, and thus, for the creation of this program, insures a high quality level, level doubled by the highly qualified trainers, professionally certified in Project Management at international standards.