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Forum for International Trade Training

CODECS organizeaza, in premiera in Romania, in parteneriat cu Forum for International Trade Training Canada, cursuri “International Trade – calea profesionala catre piata globala” certificate si recunoscute international.

CODECS, in parteneriat cu Forum for International Trade Training (FITT) din Canada, lanseaza programele


 Certificate in International Trade

 Diploma in International Trade


FITT este lider global in livrarea de programe de International Trade Training, cu o experienta de peste 20 de ani si avand ca partener strategic Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada.

Programele FITT au devenit un standard de excelenta pentru profesionistii in International Trade din intreaga lume si sunt recunoscute si recomandate de catre World Trade Centers Association si Guvernul Canadian.

« O educatie adecvata reprezinta avantajul necesar pentru a deveni un adevarat profesionist, intr-o lume plina de neprevazut - prin programele Certificate in International Trade si Diploma in International Trade CODECS formeaza profesionisti in business international, persoane capabile sa-si dezvolte un business propriu, un brand propriu sau sa lucreze in cadrul companiilor multinationale », declara Ionel Marchis, Director General CODECS.

Certificate in International Trade cuprinde cursurile Global Business Environment, International Market Entry Strategies, International Trade Finance si Global Supply Chain Management, iar Diploma in International Trade cuprinde International Marketing, International Trade Research, Legal Aspects of International Trade si International Trade Management. Cursurile sunt structurate astfel incat sa poata oferi o aplicabilitate imediata a subiectelor analizate, prin studii de caz si prin interactiunea cu trainerii si colegii de grupa.

Programele se adreseaza unor categorii largi de persoane si prezinta un interes deosebit si pentru cei care isi doresc sa dobandeasca o certificare internationala, abilitati, cunostinte si bune practici in International Trade.

Pentru inscrieri si informatii despre programele Certificate in International Trade si Diploma in International Trade, un consultant va sta la dispozitie la sediul CODECS din str. Agricultori, nr. 37-39, la telefon: 3/ 4 sau e-mail:

What is FITT?
The Forum for International Trade Training (FITT) is an organization dedicated to providing international business training, resources and professional certification to individuals and businesses.

We offer the only international business training programs and related professional designation (CITP/FIBP) endorsed by the World Trade Centers Association and the Canadian government. And our international business training solutions have become the standard of excellence for global trade professionals across Canada and around the world.

What is FITT’s Mission?
To build the proficiency - knowledge, skills and abilities - of people, businesses and organizations to access global markets, reduce and manage the risks of integrative trade, and enable profitable competition.

FITT’s Unique Business Propositions
We pride our organization and its body of knowledge as being the world's most trustworthy source of current, industry-validated information available on how to buy, sell, manufacture, finance and source products, raw materials or services anywhere in the world.

And as an industry-driven world authority on global trade, we always strive to provide reliable and timely knowledge and practical resources to advance the field of global business.

In support of international trade, we undertake the following activities:
  • Identification and promotion of essential international trade knowledge and insights about competency gaps that most commonly impede the success of business, and competency-related promotion
  • Development, delivery and promotion of international trade training and other enabling knowledge, skill and ability-building products and services
  • Responding to specific industries, trade sectors and disciplines to build the proficiencies, including knowledge, skills and abilities, required to become more competitive in international trade
  • Development of proficiency standards for successful international trade, a certification system for trade practitioners, and accreditation for academic providers which meet these standards

Who are FITT’s Partners

FITT's Government Founding Partners
  • Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC)
  • Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT)
  • Industry Canada (IC)

FITT's Founding and Strategic Partners
  • Association of Canadian Community Colleges
  • Canadian Chamber of Commerce
  • Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters
  • Canadian Professional Sales Association
  • Export Development Canada
  • I.E.Canada - Canadian Association of Importers and Exporters
  • Saskatchewan Trade and Export Partnership (STEP)
  • Scotiabank
  • World Trade Centres of Canada